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SYP-5 – Portable diagnostic X-ray machine, which can easily be used indoors or outside. This device can be used in cases, requiring Diagnostic Radiology.

Main characteristics:
– Small size and weight, ease of use;
– Generation of high-frequency X-ray system;
– Device, generating X-rays, It has a larger output power and a low-energy;
– The device is capable of memorizing the irradiation conditions (96 programmable anatomical radiography);
– Using the laser pointer to control focus.


power input 200-240 AT (50-60 Hz)
range kV



40 KB ~ 110 KB (1 kV differential)
MA-range with 0,32 mA-c ~ 200 Ma with
X-ray tube Manufacturer TOSHIBA
Model number DF-182
Focal spot 1,8 mm
Heat storage capacity of the anode 28 kJ
The maximum cooling rate of the anode 265 W
LED lamp More 100 lux
Total filtration 2 mm adaptation index (AND A)
Weight 18 kg


range Features



40 KB ~ 110 KB (1 kV differential)

Ma with


0,32 mA-c ~ 200 Ma with


0,32, 0,4, 0,5, 0,63, 0,8, 1,0, 1,25, 1,6, 2,0, 2,5, 3,2, 4,0, 5,0, 6,3, 8,0, 10, 12, 16, 20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 63, 80, 100, 125, 160, 200 Ma with











Permissible value

default settings

KB mA Ma with










40 kV / mA 2-c

40 kV-50 kV 100 mA 0,32 – 2,0 Ma with
80 mA 2,5 – 6,3 Ma with
60 mA 8,0 – 50 Ma with
50 mA 63 – 200 Ma with
51 kV-60 kV 80 mA 0,32 – 3,2 Ma with
70 mA 3,2 – 8,0 Ma with
50 mA 10 – 50 Ma with
40 mA 63 – 100 Ma with
61 kV-70 kV 70 mA 0,32 – 2,5 Ma with
60 mA 4,0 – 8,0 Ma with
50 mA 10 – 32 Ma with
35 mA 40 – 100 Ma with
71 kV-80 kV 60 mA 0,32 – 1,6 Ma with
50 mA 2,5 – 10 Ma with
40 mA 12 – 32 Ma with
30 mA 40 – 100 Ma with
81 kV-90 kV 50 mA 0,32 – 1,6 Ma with
40 mA 2,0 – 5,0 Ma with
30 mA 6,3 – 40 Ma with
25 mA 50 – 100 Ma with
91 kV-100 kV 50 mA 0,32 – 0,8 Ma with
40 mA 1,0 – 25 Ma with
30 mA 3,2 – 8,0 Ma with
20 mA 32 – 100 Ma with

101 kV-110 kV

40 mA 0,32 – 0,8 Ma with
30 mA 1,0 – 10 Ma with
25 mA 12 – 25 Ma with
20 mA 32 – 100 Ma with


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